Welcome to Troop 212! Whether you are a cub scout crossing over to Boy Scouts, new to the area, or just looking for some time outdoors, adventure and fun awaits!
To register as a Scout, you must be 11 years old, or be 10 1/2 years old and have completed the 5th grade. You must complete a Scout Application and return it with a registration fee to the troop Scoutmaster. At the same time, you may wish to subscribe to Boy's Life magazine, the monthly Boy Scout magazine. At the time the Scoutmaster accepts the application, you will have a discussion with him concerning the understanding and subscribing to the Scout Oath and Law; understanding the Scout Motto, Slogan, Salute, Sign, and Handclasp, and that you know the significance of the Scout Badge and Outdoor Code. Upon completion of these requirements, you become a Scout and will be assigned to a patrol.
Troop meetings are conducted every Tuesday, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Gig Harbor Elks Lodg. Courts of Honor, campouts, and special events will be announced as they are set.
The troop uniform consists of the Scout shirt, Scout shorts or pants, and an optional hat. A troop neckerchief is awarded to scouts who reach the rank of First Class. The Scout uniform is worn to all Scouting functions unless determined by the Scoutmaster as not required. The Boy Scout Handbook is recommended as part of all non-backpacking camping equipment.
Parent/Guardian involvement in the troop begins even before the boy joins as you complete the registration form. The parent/guardian will provide individual Scout records documenting previous Scouting experiences. Another adult participation event is the Court of Honor, held every three months, where the Scouts receive advancement recognition. Adults may be asked to provide transportation for a project, fund raiser, or campout. You may be asked to maintain troop equipment or become a merit badge counselor. As a parent/guardian, you are considered part of the Troop Committee and are encouraged to participate in committee meetings. You need to be a registered Scouter to attend outings. Encourage your son to take part in all patrol/troop meetings and activities.
The troop does not charge weekly dues, but we do require scouts to cover the cost of food, equipment, and maintenance in fees for each outing. The BSA also charges an annual fee for all scouts, called the "recharter". The troop conducts two fundraisers per year - a cake auction and a Christmas Wreath sale to partially cover the troop's expenses.
Large expenses include the annual week-long Summer Camp, and numerous long-term outdoor events, with the troop covering part of the cost for the attending boys. Part of your son's responsibilities as a Scout will be to do his share on these fund-raising projects.